Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 2-3: Life Changes

Day 2

I must have been really early in the morning when I was awoken by some factory workers making a lot of noise.  I was taken out and placed into a container that was moving on what appeared to be a conveyor belt.  This new container was still cramped and it was moving.  I felt like i was going to get sick.  When the container came to a stop I looked up and i saw containers that said "soda ash" and "limestone". After a few seconds they emptied into the container I was in.  It was very crowed and very lonely.  Luckily the other materials were very friendly and we became the best of friends for the 10 minutes.

I started to get a little hot, but i was used to it because i would bake in the sun at the beach..... But then it started to get really really hot, and that is when i knew something wasn't right.  I looked further down the conveyor belt and i saw a really bright light.  I thought to my self this is definitely the end.

.....1 day later.....

Day 3

.......  I woke up and i felt very different but i felt stronger like i was bonded with something or someone else.  I look around me to find that soda ash, limestone, and i are closer than before.  It was almost like we were one.  My color changed too.  

When I was talking to the other materials I remember them saying that we had to be heated to a high temperature and then we will be formed together.  So know that I remember that we were heated to over 2,500 degrees for a day and then i thought o my self what could the workers at this place possibly need a molten like liquid for?  

I wondered what they were going to do with us next.  I was just waiting for something else to happen that i wasn't expecting.  

We were then put into molds of bottles and then we were set to cool.  

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